Occupational Profile24/10/202224/10/2022 Welcome to your Occupational Profile Country of Residence Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-60 60+ None Gender Female Male Other None Highest level of education completed Please select your answer Basic Education Post-Secondary Education University Degree Master's Degree Phd Other Current employment status in the Cultural and Creative Sector Please select your answer Employed Self-employed Unemployed Entrepreneur / Company Owner Employed outside of the Culture and Creative Sector Unable to work Retired Other (please specify) Years of professional experience in the Cultural and Creative Sector Please select your answer 0-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 10+ years Sector of employment Please select your answer Advertising Architecture Visual art, crafts Fashion and textiles Design Performing arts Music Photography Film and video Computer games Radio and TV Writing and publishing Heritage Software/electronic publishing Cultural education Policy making Other (please specify) Email address Hint Time's up